Sound Healing and Sound Therapy
Sound Healing and Sound Therapy is the study and use of sound vibration techniques to promote healing and balance in the vibrational energy systems of self and being. The most common use of sound healing is for meditation, relaxation, massage, yoga, and healing therapies. There is a wide range of tools and techniques used in sound healing including: chanting, overtone chanting, mantras, crystal healing bowls, drumming, chimes, didgeridoo, and tuning forks. Sound Healing is also used in sleep therapy to impact and slow down the brainwave frequencies. There is a large amount of scientific research available today on the use of sound for healing. Sound healing music tools and CD's are a great supplement to your everyday meditation and relaxation practice. They are also a great supplement for practitioners in the field of massage therapy, energy healing, holistic medicine, pain management, sleep disorder therapy, meditation and yoga classes. The rhythmic and healing vibrations of sound waves can restore ones personal vibrational structure back to a state of universal balance.
Sound healing creates a harmonic channel between the higher mind and the physical body which enables self healing, understanding, key insight into inner wisdom, restoration, and helping one to ground their personal gifts into the physical dimension.
Take a look at my CD Album Ancient Chakra Healing Chants on the home page.
You can also listen to me on the radio to get an idea about the Seven Chakras and Sound Therapy.
Check out my section Radio on the top of the home page. This lists the stations my music is available for free streaming.
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